
A real review after eye surgery in Korea

Hello, I’m Ngo Bich Ngoc.

I’m from Vietnam but I’ve been living in Korea for the past 10 years.

As you can see in my pictures below, I decided to get eye surgery. My upper eyelids were sagging downwards which drastically affected the round shape of my eyes. My left eye had multiple creases because of a scar that I got when I was younger. To improve these areas, I decided to have eyelid surgery with a scar removal surgery.

I had many consultations at a lot of different clinics, however, I decided to choose JW Plastic Surgery. After a lot of consideration and listening to all the recommendations from people around me and reading all the internet info & reviews that I could find about JW, I decided it is the most suitable hospital for my surgery. It was especially impressive how almost all their patients there have a high level of satisfaction after surgery!

( You can see how obvious my scar is on my upper left eyelid and how my eyelids sag on both sides.)

At the consultation before the surgery, the JW eye surgery specialist decided what kind of eye surgery suited my case and my Vietnamese consultant translated and gave me all the details about the surgery process and the pre-operative & post-operative cautions. As well they gave me a chance to ask any questions I had.

The picture above is just after the surgery. As you can see, my eyes swelled up a bit.
The surgery was not as painful as I was expecting and the surgery its self-didn’t take much time. I was quite concerned about the pain after the surgery but it really wasn’t that bad. After the surgery, I was also able to get a good rest in JW recovery room and they provided me advice on how to take and use the medication as well as take care of my eyes before they discharged me from the clinic.

This picture is day 1 after the surgery. The Bruising and swelling really does depend on the individual. For me, the bruising and swelling were relatively good compared to others. I found it really helped to wear an ice pack on my eyes to help reduce the swelling.

This picture is 2 days after my surgery. If you take a close look, you can see squared pieces of tape along my eyelids. This was to help the new double eyelids to settle on the new desired lines. JW provided me a deswelling treatment, so I made sure to keep visiting JW to get it.

7 days after surgery was the day to remove the tape and stitches. There was bruising and swelling on my eyelids but the double eyelids became quite obvious.

The scars were already fading 16 days after the surgery. The shape of my eyes was still not very natural because of the swelling but my eyes look much brighter for sure.

3 months after surgery, my double eyelids were very natural and symmetric and I couldn’t see any sagging in my eyelids. The size of my eyes seems to have gotten much bigger and I clearly have double eyelids now that gives me a younger look!

The duration of the total recovery really depends on the individual but the average period is 6 months to 1 year. This picture is from 5 months after my surgery. Even the minor swelling is almost gone so even closing my eyes looks very natural. The scar lines are also invisible and the scar from my accident on my left eye has also improved a lot.

7 months after the surgery, this is my current eye shape. Nobody ever notices that I had eye surgery unless I mentioned it. After the minor swelling was totally gone, my eyes got a much more natural shape.

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