
[Best Plastic Surgery Center] JW surgeon got invited as a main speaker from BAPRAS and BFIRST on Nov 24, 2016

This year, to celebrate of 70th anniversary,

BAPRAS (British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons) organising a masked ball in collaboration with and to raise funds for BFIRST(British Foundation for International Reconstructive Surgery and Training).

BFIRST is a UK registered charity which trains surgeons working in the poorest countries in the world to enable them to undertake reconstructive Plastic Surgery, releasing children and adults from the state of poverty and destitution associated with disability and deformity

There were total of 2 Korean Plastic Surgeons has been invited to this event and one of the doctor was from JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea!!!

JW Plastic Surgeon had master class speech about the “Rhinoplasty and Short nose correction

It was significant time of sharing “Korean Rhinoplasty” knowledges to other overseas plastic surgeons.

Also in 2016, JW Plastic Surgeons were invited to ISAPS Congress Kyoto Japan & Singapore Plastic
Aesthetic Surgery Meeting 2016 (PASM) as main speecher to give lectures and share our experiences about the Korean Rhinoplasty.


What’s app or kakaotalk id: jwbeauty777 / jwps /jwbeautykr
