
Experience in rhinioplasty and V line surgery in Korea

Hello~ All the people out there who is in interested of Plastic Surgery or Korean Plastic Surgery.
I would like to talk about my personal experience about plastic surgery in Seoul, Korea
I had plastic surgery from “JW plastic surgery Korea” few months ago.

I had operation of
Rhinoplasty (Heighten the bridge by using of of silicone implants, Tip plasy by using of septal cartilage (nose cartilage), Weir excision) by Dr. Man Koon Suh
V-line surgery (Mandibular reduction, Zygoma reduction, and Genioplasty) which is a reduction of cheekbone,chin and square jaw.
They were very kind doctors with skilled experiences.

I will give all of my efforts of what they have done.

They did best job ever!!! I love myself now because I had so much stress from my previous look. As you can see from my previous operation surgery I had square jaw, big cheekbone, ugly nose with wide alar and drooped nose tip.
After plastic surgery from JW Plastic surgery center Korea they made my face more slimmer and V-line with defined nose tip with very nice shape nose
You guys can see my b&a pictures as below:

 3months after operation
6months after operation



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