I got a Plastic Surgery from Korea
I know many people will say or think something else about me because I’m a male and who got a plastic surgery but you guys got to know that trend is changing!
So go ahead and say anything YOU WANT because I’m not going to care about what you think
because I’m very satisfied!!
Now, I will talk about my plastic surgery journey
I researched about an year about the plastic surgery because I was very worried about
also I went over 10 places in korea to find most suitable surgeon who will fit me to fix my problems and appereance
My final decision was JW Plastic Surgery Korea
When I went in to the clinic worker there greeted me with smile
(Plus point for this)
and atmosphere was little different than outside
when I went into doctors room for the consultation since I got to talk with surgeon about the surgery
I met total of 3 surgeons in JW Plastic Surgery since all the surgeons are specialized in each part
I guess I like this the most because some of clinic surgeon does all the surgery which it is not really trustworthy, but then JW Plastic Surgery was very honest and trustful clinic
All the doctor were very nice and detailed.
I remember that I asked most stupid question ever to the doctor that “Will you operate surgery on me or other surgeon will” because I have heard some of big clinics in korea does that, so I wanted to make sure about this.
but they very clarify with me about this 🙂
So I decided to my surgery from JW Plastic Surgery
but I should of reservate before I came here because it was very hard to set up my surgery date
since they have only 3 surgeries per each surgeon in a day 🙁
I asked about this question why
and they said that they are doing this to give best results to the patient!!!
Operation I had:
Post-op day1
post-op day 3
I know I look like a tod….don’t make fun of me
post-op day 7
I look better than day 3 but still swollen with bruises all over my face
post-op day 14
It starts show my new change!
Post-op day 30
most my swollen face is gone!!
Below pictures are before and after pictures of me
What’s app or kakaotalk id: jwbeauty777 / jwps /jwbeautykr
What’s app or kakaotalk id: jwbeauty777 / jwps /jwbeautykr