
[Real Story] To be a White Swan?If you have experienced – 100% Changing Story①

Hello!My name is Heji. 
I had Incisional ptosis correction + Epicathoplasty 
 Fat injection on face
 Hump nose correction+Rhinoplasty augmentation+Tip surgery
Zygoma reduction
Breast Augmentation with Fat transplantation and Implant.

You would say,that’s so many plastic surgeries at once maybe.
This is photo of 2nd day when I back home. 
Please wait me to tell you my story.

Day 6,still very swelling.But I like my face very much.
Start to wear corset bra and have to keep the compression bandage for some days 
cause of cheek bone surgery.

Day 7,the swollen seems like that start to go fast.
Do I look like someone else? lol

Day 8,after all the stitches have been removed yesterday,
I still need to go to JW check up for some times. 
Because I also had breast surgery and cheek bone,
I need to take more care than others.

These days,I got changed very much.

My face and my breast.
My face looks fat now,but I like this baby fat 😀
My breast recovered very good.

I cannot believe this is me in the mirror.

I look like someone else?haha
한가인(韓佳人)(Han Ga In)

Day 13,the nose looks more and more pretty.
Now the nasal bridge became very slim.
I like the tip ♡
I like my breast!!!

I start to do some make up.
I think I almost got recovery.
Only 15 days,my life changed. 

I have no more words.
I just like all my face ♥

To be continued…

JW Plastic Surgery Korea

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