
The Price for Male Plastic Surgery in Korea [Common Plastic Surgery in Korea for Men]

The Price for Male Plastic Surgery in Korea [Common Plastic Surgery in Korea for Men]

Nowadays, male plastic surgery has become more popular. According to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the number of cosmetic procedures for men has increased by more than 106% between 1997 and 2012. And more than 1.3 million cosmetic procedures were performed in 2017 on men alone.

Why More Men are Getting Plastic Surgery Now

Here are some of the reasons why more men are getting plastic surgery these days:
  • The Korean wave: K-pop, Korean Idols, Korean drama
  • To enhance their career
  • To stay competitive in the job market
  • To be an athletic dad : daddy do-overs

What are popular surgeries among Male patients
resource : American Society of Plastic Surgeons
1. Eye surgery
Most male patients prefer defined eyes over big eyes with a high fold. Among senior male patients, lower blepharoplasty is more popular as it gives a younger look to help increase their confidences and success in business.

Men_levator( Ptosis correction)

2. Rhinoplasty
Male patients generally prefer to have rhinoplasty to have more masculine and sophisticated look for job interviews or to help make up for any deficits.

The contour of the male rhinoplasty is typically straighter and not too slim.


3. Face contour
Thesedays, people prefer to have a smooth and smaller face, which has been influenced by the Korean wave ( K-pop star, Korean drama).


4. Breast reduction(gynecomastia)

Abnormally developed breasts can not be improved or changed into muscle by working out. This cosmetic surgery procedure removes excess fat and glandular tissue to create a flatter, firmer and more masculine contour to the chest.

General price for this surgery

*The price can vary depending on the surgery plan. A face to face consultation is required to create an appropriate surgery plan for individual characteristics.

Rhinoplasty: 5,600,000 KRW ~
Breast reduction: 5,800,000 KRW ~
Lower eyelids surgery: 2,400,000 KRW~
Face contour surgery: 2,400,000 KRW~

In recent years, men’s opinions and thoughts towards has been changed in a positive way. More and more male patients are pursuing a more handsome and youthful look. Due to this, it is important to choose right clinic which will provide the most exceptional clinical experience. 
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