
[JW Plastic Surgery Center Korea] Recovery Tips after Rhinoplasty (nose surgery)

·         There are Many things that people should be careful with or something it helps your recovers after rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery). Hope these can help your recover!
          DON’T exercise vigorously for at least two weeks. Take it easy and avoid strenuous exercise that forces your body to consistently and aggressively move up, down and around. Ease back into exercise during your third week of recovery. Avoid playing basketball and volleyball for six weeks, or any other activity where you might get smacked in the nose by a ball or an elbow. You also have to avoid heavy weight lifting because it can cause your nose tip to be drooped. You can start to work out a month after nose surgery.

·         DON’T go swimming. Your nose will be tender and swimming—especially diving—will move your nose around while it’s still recovering. Plus, chlorine may get inside your nose, which can sting. Stay away from the swimming pool for at least three to four weeks following your nose surgery.

·         DON’T blow your nose for two weeks. or you can blow your nose very gently by block up the each side.

·         DON’T laugh too hard or smile too wide. We know this sounds like stern advice. Just remember that your recovery is temporary and the less your nose bounces around or stretches, the better. Also it will give chances of tip to be drooped, especially tip plasty.

·         DON’T brush your teeth aggressively. This may sound a bit silly, but aggressive brushing can cause you to move your upper-lip more than you might expect, and your upper-lip is connected to your sensitive nose. The less you move everything around your nose, the better you’ll feel and the faster you’ll heal.

·         DON’T pull clothing over your head. Temporarily avoid t-shirts, sweatshirts and sweaters while your heal. Favoring button-down shirts while your nose heals will help you avoid unintended pain or nose movement.

·         DON’T rest glasses on your nose up to four weeks following surgery. The less weight you place on your nose in the short term, the better the results in the long term. If you have contact lenses, now is a good time to use them. If you can live without sunglasses for the short term, we recommend you do so. If you absolutely must wear eyeglasses, it is best to tape the hard nasal splint onto the nose, then set the glasses on the splint. Otherwise, you may risk permanently pushing in the nasal bones. You may also want to hold glasses in your hands and peer through them without placing them on your nose.

·         DON’T expose unprotected skin to the sun for three months following surgery. Using sunscreen whenever you venture out into the sun is always good advice. Following a nose job, however, limiting damaging sun exposure is critically important since too much sun can cause permanent discoloration on your nose.

·         DON’T smoke or drink an alcohol for three weeks. This advice applies three weeks before and after surgery. If you are a smoker, this is a good time to stop!